Dear readers,

Dear customers,

The Advent season has begun. A time in which we traditionally look back. But it's not funny this year.

All of us, as sawmill industry, suffer from a lack of raw materials. Tools and machines cannot be completed.

Often also because of a lack of staff. The different understanding of corona causes a high level of sick.

And then there is the war in Ukraine and its consequences for us. Everything is getting more expensive, many of us do not know whether

their companies can cope with all this. And all our customers don't know it either. 

I don't need raw materials and have not many employees, but it also caught me. 

After five difficult weeks with pneumonia, now the move, with the companies and personally.

And then I have to think back to the fair. The company was also founded this year.

Many appointments were cancelled due to my illness, many exhibitors are hesitant and would like to decide in the new year.

I can well understand that. I'm not pushing either. I am currently negotiating with Messe Friedrichshafen.

I would like to ensure that we can wait in peace in the new year, that people take this special time into consideration.

Basically, the following applies to me:

I will not push you, woo you, tease you. I provide a tool, the SawExpo 2023.

From my point of view a very good tool. After all, SawExpo offers a marketplace that once established, 

will bring broad benefits to our industry for decades to come.

From steel trading to processing with a focus on sawing to further processing with everything that goes with it, we depict.

You all know these connections very well, because you are part of them. And you can decide for yourself.

More on that in January.

I wish you a peaceful time, health and well-being, a focus on family, on Christmas.

And last but not least, all the best for the New Year. Nevertheless, the economy is growing. The state helps; not least to secure jobs.

It won't be that bad. 

Stefan Motte, SawExpo